Sixth Example: Encapsulating several blocks into a PipeGraph and reusing itΒΆ

A demonstration of several interesting features will be done in the following examples:
  1. How the user can choose to encapsulate several blocks into a PipeGraph and use it as a single unit in another PipeGraph
  2. How these components can be dynamically built on runtime depending on initialization parameters
  3. How these components can be dynamically built on runtime depending on input signal values during fit
  4. Using GridSearchCV to explore the best combination of hyperparameters

We consider Example number five in which we had the following steps:

  • scaler: A MinMaxScaler data preprocessor
  • classifier: A GaussianMixture classifier
  • demux in charge of splitting the input arrays accordingly to the selection input vector
  • lm_0: A LinearRegression model
  • lm_1: A LinearRegression model
  • lm_2: A LinearRegression model
  • mux: A custom Multiplexer class in charge of combining different input arrays into a single one accordingly to the selection input vector

For instance, we can find interesting to encapsulate the Demultiplexer, the linear model collection, and the Multiplexer into a single unit: We prepare the data and build a PipeGraph with these steps alone:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from pipegraph.base import PipeGraph, PipeGraph, Demultiplexer, Multiplexer

X_first = pd.Series(np.random.rand(100,))
y_first = pd.Series(4 * X_first + 0.5*np.random.randn(100,))
X_second = pd.Series(np.random.rand(100,) + 3)
y_second = pd.Series(-4 * X_second + 0.5*np.random.randn(100,))
X_third = pd.Series(np.random.rand(100,) + 6)
y_third = pd.Series(2 * X_third + 0.5*np.random.randn(100,))

X = pd.concat([X_first, X_second, X_third], axis=0).to_frame()
y = pd.concat([y_first, y_second, y_third], axis=0).to_frame()

demux = Demultiplexer()
lm_0 = LinearRegression()
lm_1 = LinearRegression()
lm_2 = LinearRegression()
mux = Multiplexer()

three_multiplexed_models_steps = [
         ('demux', demux),
         ('lm_0', lm_0),
         ('lm_1', lm_1),
         ('lm_2', lm_2),
         ('mux', mux), ]

three_multiplexed_models_connections = {
                'demux': {'X': 'X',
                          'y': 'y',
                          'selection': 'selection'},
                'lm_0': {'X': ('demux', 'X_0'),
                         'y': ('demux', 'y_0')},
                'lm_1': {'X': ('demux', 'X_1'),
                         'y': ('demux', 'y_1')},
                'lm_2': {'X': ('demux', 'X_2'),
                         'y': ('demux', 'y_2')},
                'mux': {'0': 'lm_0',
                        '1': 'lm_1',
                        '2': 'lm_2',
                        'selection': 'selection'}}

three_multiplexed_models = PipeGraph(steps=three_multiplexed_models_steps,
                                     fit_connections=three_multiplexed_models_connections )

Now we can treat this PipeGraph as a reusable component and use it as a unitary step in another PipeGraph:

scaler = MinMaxScaler()
gaussian_mixture = GaussianMixture(n_components=3)
models = three_multiplexed_models

steps = [('scaler', scaler),
         ('classifier', gaussian_mixture),
         ('models', three_multiplexed_models), ]

connections = {'scaler': {'X': 'X'},
               'classifier': {'X': 'scaler'},
               'models': {'X': 'scaler',
                          'y': 'y',
                          'selection': 'classifier'},

pgraph = PipeGraph(steps=steps, fit_connections=connections), y)
y_pred = pgraph.predict(X)
plt.scatter(X, y)
plt.scatter(X, y_pred)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.037 seconds)

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